Format of the workshop
On the workshop day, we plan to have diverse types of activities. All of them are designed to encourage interaction and active discussion among all participants in the workshop:
Invited Talks: Invited speakers (established experts) from academia and industry will share their latest works, findings, lessons learned and perspectives in 20-minute talks with 10-minute Q&A sessions.
Poster Discussions: The posters will be displayed and presented in an interactive manner.
Sponsored Lunch: Hosting a lunch meeting to create a space for casual conversation and networking between established experts and early-stage researchers.
Spotlight Talks: A 60-minute spotlight Session will occur after the lunch break. We will encourage researchers to submit their latest technical/visionary published or ongoing works/ideas (short paper: max four pages) related to the topics of interest to the workshop. Accepted papers will be presented in the poster sessions, and selected papers will be presented orally in the spotlight Session ( 5 min presentation each). The three best papers will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize at the end of the workshop.
Panel Discussion: A 60-minute panel discussion will occur at the workshop's end. The invited speakers (established experts) will serve as panellists. Moreover, the early-career researchers and attendees will participate in the discussions in an interactive manner. The workshop organizers will moderate the Panel.