Papers & Awards
Best Paper Award: 1000$ USD
Best Poster Award: 500$ USD
Award Requirements:
Awards will be based on workshop relevance, originality, novelty, presentation, methodology, approach, and experimental evaluation.
Award Selection Process:
Submissions will be assessed by the organizers and an independent expert three-member jury panel from academia and industry.
We have the right to review, inspect and vet the winner's submission at any given time to confirm that it has met the requirements outline above.
Certificates and Prize Money:
A Certificate of Award will be provided on the day and the prize money will be awarded by Dubai Future Foundation by bank transfer subject to the receival of the necessary information from the winners.
Winners are to connect with Dubai Future Foundation directly to receive further instructions on the information necessary to complete the disbursement of the prize money.
Winner details are to be shared by email to the following address:
General Terms and Conditions:
By entering the Competition, you consent to us passing your details to the prize provider (as applicable) and any relevant third party for the purpose of contacting you in the event you are a Winner. By entering the Competition, you also consent to us announcing your first name, location and age when the prize is to be offered.
By entering the Competition, you expressly consent to any photos or videos of events connected with the prize to us for use or publication in connection with our reasonable marketing and promotional activities, including but not limited to our official social media activities agree to sign all necessary releases to document this express consent.
By entering this Competition, you represent and warrant that your submission is an original work of authorship and does not violate any third party's proprietary or Intellectual Property Rights. If your submission infringes upon the Intellectual Property Right or other right of a third party, you will be disqualified at our sole discretion.
For any queries, kindly contact: